This paper gives a brief review on the regional slipping systems of thrust-nappes that have been proposed to interpret the tectonic development of the Lower Yangzi area. The strata ranging from the Upper Proterozoic Zhangbaling Group to the Middle Jurassic Xiangshan Group are divided into six regional slipping systems. Furthermore the physico-mechanical properties of rocks in the slipping strata are systematically observed, and some determined parameters, such as the strength of rock, Young's modulus, angle of inter-friction, electric-resistivity and magnetized susceptibility, are significantly lower than adjacent rocks. Likewise the evidence of ductile deformation upon a background of the brittle deformation can be seen in the thrust-nappe zone, where mylonites and stress minerals have been found. Three types of nappes occurred in Lower Yangzi area. Seen from the standpoint of the flake tectonics, the pressure nappes (P type) are composed of previous overturned strata and large scale recumbent folds have developed into the fold nappes. The gravity gliding nappes (G type) are commonly consist of fault blocks, slabs and sheets, and the compound superimposed nappes (C type) are of the complex constitution of the P and G types. The kinematics and dynamics of nappes are closely correlated with the plate model and their evolutions have undergone four cycles: late Proterozoic Xuefongian, early Mesozoic Indosinian, Mesozoic Yanshanian and Cenozoic Himalayan Cycles. It should be emphasized that the development of the thrust-nappe in the foreland basin of this area is important to controlling the structural framework and the evolution of the oil-gas reservoir.