Journal of Agricultural Meteorology
Online ISSN : 1881-0136
Print ISSN : 0021-8588
ISSN-L : 0021-8588
Short Paper
Cooling effect of an urban park by enhanced heat transport efficiency
Masahito UEYAMATomoya ANDO
Author information

2020 Volume 76 Issue 3 Pages 148-153


 The mitigation of the urban heat island effect is an important environmental issue for sustainable urban development. We quantified the relative contributions to surface cooling associated with land use changes from an urban center to an urban park using the temperature decomposition method, with one-year paired eddy covariance measurements in Sakai, Japan. The enhanced heat transport efficiency achieved through park creation decreased daytime surface temperatures by 3.9-4.9 K, which was the greatest contribution to daytime surface cooling throughout the season. The disappearance of anthropogenic heat flux due to park creation reduced nighttime surface temperatures by 0.1-0.6 K, which was the greatest contribution at night in summer months. Enhancing heat transport efficiency through urban greening is thus a good mitigation strategy for cooling urban surfaces.

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© 2020 The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
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