Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
南 龍協西澤 泰彦砂本 文彦
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 86 巻 784 号 p. 1752-1763


The purpose of this study is to clarify the background and process, its characteristics of establishing the Japanese military bases in Seoul during the early modern era of Korea, and to establish it in the history of urban history in Seoul. In 1882, the Japanese army established a military base in Seoul for the first time, followed by several relocations, and finally in 1904 built a permanent base with brick barracks in Pil-dong near Namsan Mountain. The characteristics of the establishment of Japanese military bases in Seoul and the relationship between urban formation in Seoul are summarized as follows.

First, the Japanese military bases in Seoul are closely related to various events surrounding Korea in the early modern era, and was established following changed according to the following process. (1) In the wake of the ‘Imogunran’, the first Japanese military base was established at three locations in the northern part of Namsan Mountain (1882-1885). (2) In the course of the ‘Sino-Japanese War’, a second base was established in the ‘old Samgunbu’ in front of the royal palace (1894-1896). (3) Under the influence of ‘Agwanpacheon’, which the King Gojong escaped to the Russian legation in 1896, the Japanese military base was relocated from the ‘old Samgunbu’ to the ‘Yanghyangcheong’ and ‘old China telegraph office’ (1896-1904). (4) With the conclusion of the ‘Komura-Webber Memorandum’, a permanent base was established in Pil-dong. (1904).

Second, the establishment of the Japanese military bases in Seoul were linked to the location of the Japanese legation. Because the Japanese military stationed in Seoul was aimed at guarding the Japanese legation under the ‘Jemulpo Treaty’, the site had to be set up near the Japanese legation. However, the military base in the ‘old Samgunbu’ reflected the special situation of the Sino-Japanese War.

Third, around 1900, the method of setting up a base by the Japanese army changed from ‘borrowing land and facilities’ to ‘owning land and building new facilities’. After the signing of the ‘Komura-Webber Memorandum’ the Japanese troops, which were able to stably station their troops, tried to build a permanent base with the residents in mind. However, when a permanent base was constructed in Seoul, the permanent ownership of the base and the protection of Japanese residents were important a big concern, which was different from the establishment of a base in homeland Japan.

Fourth, the Japanese military bases were in line with the formation of the Japanese settlement, which occupies an important position in the formation of the city of Seoul in the early modern era. In 1885, the first Japanese settlement was set up near the previously existing Japanese legation and Japanese military base. In 1896, the Japanese military base was moved at both ends of the Japanese settlement street in response to the protection of Japanese residents and the expansion of the Japanese settlement towards Namdaemunno Street. In 1902, the new Japanese military base constructed in Pil-dong that was near the Japanese legation and Japanese settlement. After all, in urban structure of Seoul, northern foot of Namsan Mountain was formed as a Japanese settlement. It is probable that the beginning of urbanization in the area at the northern part of Namsan Mountain was the result of the establishment of the Japanese military bases, which played a role in protecting Japanese residents.

© 2021, 日本建築学会
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