Online ISSN : 2434-9917
Print ISSN : 1882-2088
インドネシアのイスラーム系私立学校 Integrated Islamic School における一般知と宗教知の融合: 一般教科の教科書にみられる宗教知の内容と付与形態に着目して
アズミ ムクリサフ
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 17 巻 p. 94-106


This study aims to examine the integration of general and religious knowledge in Integrated Islamic Schools (IIS) in Indonesia by analyzing their textbooks. It focuses on general subject textbooks used in IIS and explores the manner in which religious knowledge is integrated, the relationship between religious knowledge and general subjects, and the types of religious knowledge presented.

Analysis revealed that there were two methods of incorporating religious knowledge:(1) adding it as an independent section at the end of a general subject unit ; (2) integrating it within the content of the unit. The first method was the primary method used. However it was not truly integrated because general and religious knowledge was separated, although they were listed on the same page.

However, when considering the relationship between general subjects and religious knowledge, the majority of religious knowledge was related to the contents or materials of the general subject unit. Although listed separately, the study observed a substantial integration in terms of content.

The added religious knowledge covered a wide range of topics, including Quranic verses, Hadiths, Islamic cultures, stories about prominent Muslims, and Islamic-related knowledge that did not fall under these categories. These results demonstrated that IIS aim to establish connections between general and religious knowledge through the inclusion of various types of religious knowledge.

© 2023 アジア教育学会
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