2024 年 20 巻 1 号 p. 142-148
Objective: Recently, we developed a line bisection task (LBT) that could be performed on a tablet personal computer (PC) by recording the results and automatically calculating the lateral deviation from the true center for each trial. The present study aimed to verify the validity and reliability of the LBT on a tablet PC. Additionally, we examined whether there were any differences between the results of the tablet and paper LBTs.
Methods: The LBT was performed both on paper and tablet PC by 26 right-handed healthy adult volunteers (mean age 21.2 ± 2.1 years). Lines of three different lengths (200, 100, and 50 mm) were presented five-times in a pseudorandom order in each task condition. The participants were asked to mark a subjective midpoint with a pencil or a dedicated pen. Additionally, eight participants performed the LBT on the tablet twice to evaluate reliability.
Results: Data analysis revealed a significant and “strong” to “very strong” correlation between the results of paper and tablet LBTs for each line length. Additionally, “good” test-retest reliability was confirmed by the results of the tablet LBT. There was no difference in the LBT results for each line length between the two task conditions.
Conclusions: The validity and reliability of the newly developed tablet LBT were confirmed. Additionally, the LBT performed on the tablet PC yielded results equivalent to those obtained when performed on paper.