Online ISSN : 2424-2365
Print ISSN : 2424-0877
ISSN-L : 2424-0877
池田 敬岡本 卓也長谷部 貴栄東口 阿希子淺野 玄森部 絢嗣國永 尚稔鈴木 正嗣
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 10 巻 p. 1-10


 It is important to establish educational programs for wildlife management according to the variety of local societal characteristics and types of jobs. Various wildlife seminars are held by prefectures, municipalities, and universities. However, there is a possibility that the effect of seminars is reduced by mismatches between not only the objective of seminars and the experiences of wildlife management, but also the seminar content and needs of the participants. We aimed to investigate the influence of the experience of participants on understanding our seminar, knowledge acquisition of wildlife management, and spreading effect, as well as, to clarify the request for wildlife seminars for each job type. A questionnaire survey was conducted at wildlife seminars, which were organized by the Research Center for Wildlife Management, Gifu University, and the study included 340 participant responses. The contribution of future activity was influenced by the number of wildlife experiences. In addition, administrative officers and private companies wished for the seminar to cover topics such as contents of research, damage control, and ecology, whereas students wished for overview of wildlife, not for damage control. Consequently, it is important to establish step-by-step or continuous educational programs according to the number of experiences. Moreover, wildlife managers are required to familiarize themselves with research, ecology, and damage control throughout off-the-job training and on-the-job training. In particular, it would be necessary to establish a comprehensive core curriculum for wildlife management for students, as they play a vital role in the future of wildlife management.

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