The learning system has been exposed to a big change. The systems have changed to the support tool of the knowledge acquisition from the teaching machine of knowledge transmission. The idea of situated learning spread from cognitive science in the '80s. Knowledge is considered to be situation instead of existence. Then, the purpose of learning systems became to support of knowledge construction rather than transmitted knowledge. And the importance of group learning is emphasized. Then, CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) systems were developed. In CSCL, new technologies are used and advanced learning environments are improved. The followings can be considered in computer use in chemistry education: Transmission of knowledge, Training, and Support of experience. Transmission of knowledge is an electronic textbook from an affirmative side. Training is an introduction of using software. A novice cannot master the advanced tool of chemistry. Support of experience is a simulation. It is important to make the minute world visible. Learning by experience is important. CSCL can use these methods together. For example, we are developing CSCL with the simulation type. And CSCL that supports an experiment is described briefly. The system supports the process of an experiment planning.