Circulation Journal
Online ISSN : 1347-4820
Print ISSN : 1346-9843
ISSN-L : 1346-9843
Acute Heart Failure
Starting Neurohormonal Antagonists in Patients With Acute Heart Failure With Mid-Range and Preserved Ejection Fraction
Yuta SekoTakao KatoTakeshi MorimotoHidenori YakuYasutaka InuzukaYodo TamakiNeiko OzasaMasayuki ShibaErika YamamotoYusuke YoshikawaYugo YamashitaTakeshi KitaiRyoji TaniguchiMoritake IguchiKazuya NagaoTakafumi KawaiAkihiro KomasaRyusuke NishikawaYuichi KawaseTakashi MorinagaMamoru ToyofukuYutaka FurukawaKenji AndoKazushige KadotaYukihito SatoKoichiro KuwaharaTakeshi Kimurafor the KCHF Study Investigators
ジャーナル オープンアクセス HTML

2022 年 86 巻 10 号 p. 1547-1558


Background: The clinical benefits of neurohormonal antagonists for patients with heart failure (HF) with mid-range and preserved ejection fraction (HFmrEF and HFpEF) are uncertain.

Methods and Results: This study analyzed 858 consecutive patients with HFmrEF (EF: 40–49%) or HFpEF (EF ≥50%), who were hospitalized for acute HF, and who were discharged alive, and were not taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE)-I/ angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) or β-blockers at admission. The study population was classified into 4 groups according to the status of prescription of ACE-I/ARB and β-blocker at discharge: no neurohormonal antagonist (n=342, 39.9%), ACE-I/ARB only (n=128, 14.9%), β-blocker only (n=189, 22.0%), and both ACE-I/ARB and β-blocker (n=199, 23.2%) groups. The primary outcome measure was a composite of all-cause death or HF hospitalization. The cumulative 1-year incidence of the primary outcome measure was 41.2% in the no neurohormonal antagonist group, 34.0% in the ACE-I/ARB only group, 28.6% in the β-blocker only group, and 16.4% in the both ACE-I/ARB and β-blocker group (P<0.001). Compared with the no neurohormonal antagonist group, both the ACE-I/ARB and β-blocker groups were associated with a significantly lower risk for a composite of all-cause death or HF hospitalization (HR: 0.46, 95% CI: 0.28–0.76, P=0.002).

Conclusions: In hospitalized patients with HFmrEF and HFpEF, starting both ACE-I/ARB and a β-blocker was associated with a reduced risk of the composite of all-cause death or HF hospitalization compared with patients not starting on an ACE-I/ARB or β-blocker.


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