2006 年 54 巻 9 号 p. 1344-1346
Two new rocaglamide derivatives, 1-O-formylrocagloic acid (1) and 3′-hydroxy rocagloic acid (2), together with five known compounds, rocaglaol (3), rocagloic acid (4), 3′-hydroxymethylrocaglate (5), 1-O-formylmethyl rocaglate (6), and methylrocaglate (7), were isolated from the fruits of Amoora cucullata. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Compounds 1—3, 6, and 7 exhibited potent cytotoxicity against KB, BC, and NCI-H187 cell lines, whereas 4 and 5 showed selective cytotoxicity against NCI-H187 cell line.