Oligo-and poly-saccharides which are utilizcd only by B. infantis and B. breve and not by other intestinal bacteria such as E. coli, L. acidophilus, and S. faecalis were investigated in vitro for the purpose of producing bifidus-flora in human intestines. Raffinose, stachyose, and inulin were found to be specifically utilized by B. infantis and doubling time of the cells with them as energy source was as short as with glucose and lactose. Inulin of molecular weight higher than ca. 4500 was not utilized by B. infantis. Oligosaccharides more than trisaccharide from inulin and tri-to penta-saccharides from dextran obtained by acid hydrolysis followed by Sephadex gel chromatographic separation were utilized specifically by B. infantis, but oligosaccharides from amylose and cellulose were found nonspecific for B. infantis and B. breve. Suitability of sugars for producing bifidusflora in vivo is discussed.