Online ISSN : 2185-6311
Print ISSN : 0389-9705
ISSN-L : 0389-9705
中村 太保林 孝文藤木 雅代中山 均佐々木 富貴子伊藤 寿介
ジャーナル フリー

1990 年 30 巻 2 号 p. 163-168

In order to evaluate the present dental radiologic practice, a questionnaire was sent to all departments of oral radiology which belongs to dental college and university school of dentistry.
Twenty-six departments replied our questionnaire were almost 89% (26/29).
The results obtained were as follow:
1) Diagnosis
Extra oral diagnostic reports were done at 14 departments (56%).
Intra oral diagnostic reptrts were done at 3 departments (11%).
Contrast radiography: Sialography was done at 21 departments (80%) and arthrography was done at 10 departments (38%).
X-CT unit was instituted at 13 departments (50%).
RI units were institued at only 6 departments (23%).
2) Radiotherapy
Radiotherapic unit was instituted at 7 departments (27%), but 18 departments (69%) were took some part in radiotherapy.
3) Management of films
All films were managed at 11 departments (42%) of oral radiology.
4) The numbers of staff
The numbers of staff were between maximum 25 and minimum 6.
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