2019 年 38 巻 6 号 p. 940-946
This study compared the effect of a novel zinc containing, Caredyne Shield (CS), and a fluoroaluminocalciumsilicate-based, Nanoseal (NS) desensitizers on dentin tubule occlusion, inhibition of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) biofilm growth, and resistance to bacterial demineralization. Desensitizers were applied to simulated hypersensitive bovine dentin, with distilled water used as a control. S. mutans biofilms were grown on the surface of each specimen in an oral biofilm simulator. CS showed the least bacterial count and water insoluble glucan amount followed by NS. Transverse micro radiography revealed that both CS and NS showed significant reduction in mineral loss and lesion depth of the associated lesion. Scanning electron micrographs showed that the two desensitizers formed obvious depositions on the dentin surfaces, occlusion of tubules and mineral tag formation.