The Journal of Educational Sociology
Online ISSN : 2185-0186
Print ISSN : 0387-3145
ISSN-L : 0387-3145
The Structure and Functions of “Risshin-Shusse” in the Late Meiji and Early Taisho Japan
Yoh Takeuchi
Author information

1976 Volume 31 Pages 119-129,en217


The notion of “Risshin-Shusse” and its functions can be briefly summarized as follows:
(1) To rise in the world (“Risshin-Shusse”) or not was considered identical with winning or being defeated in life. This compulsive notion was to force “Shusse”-minded people to reject the usual institutional means and those who failed into despair.
(2) There was, however, another kind of “Risshin-Shusse” notion, which contributed greatly to preventing people from such deviation and from despair. It was, what could be called, a double-image notion of “Risshin-Shusse”. One image was that the more secular value a man had, the more moral value he had. The other image, which was quite to the contrary in the content, was that the more secular value a man had, the less moral value he had.
(3) The third notion of “Risshin-Shusse” was that of small upward mobility in non-elite, that was also regarded as “Shusse”. While the opportunities to try to rise radically in the world became less, this notion kept the fervor of “Risshin-Shusse”.
(4) The fourth notion of “Risshin-Shusse” was one that was considered “Komyo”(acquiring fame). This notion had relevance not only to status-orientation, but also to achievement-orientation. This particular notion is thought to have worked as innovation energy toward the Japanese modernization.

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