This study examined the perception of “Dalcroze Eurhythmics” by skilled teachers using a
text mining method. The interviews of 10 skilled Eurythmic teachers about the “Dalcroze
Eurhythmics method” (already recorded on a DVD) were used as data. The transcript was made
from the DVD, and descriptions were analysed by KH Coder software. First, the KH Corder
extracted frequent words from the descriptions of the interviews.
It was found that the words “Eurythmics” “Dalcroze” “'Music” appeared frequently in the
interviews. Next, a cluster analysis was performed and 8 clusters were found. The 8 clusters were
named : “Eurhythmics, Music and Movement” “Improvisation as Creative Performances” “The
relationship between the piano and dance” “The experience through the body” “The feature of
method” “Plastique Animée an eurythmic expression to communicate movement to others”
“Getting qualified” “The impact of Eurythmics”. The results showed that the eurythmic teachers
mainly talked about practicing Eurythmics as personal experiences through music, movement,
and the mind, Eurythmics transformed their attitudes towards music, Eurythmics enhanced
their personal abilities.