2013 Volume 15 Issue Supplement Pages 208-214
This study examined the abundance and diver-sity of fish larvae passing through the Taklong Island National Marine Reserve, Southern Guimaras in relation to moon phase (full vs. new) and time of day. The reserve is dominated by mangrove, seagrass and coral reef hab-itats. These were monitored during the full and new moon phases in August and September 2007, respectively, us-ing near-bottom and the sub-surface 335μm mesh nets moored in the two major channels that open to waters adjacent to the reserve. The direction of the current in the northern channel (Nabinbinan) reverses with change in tides, while water current in the central channel (Taklong-Tandog Pass) constantly flows outside of the reserve. A total of 16,387 larval fish from 69 families was caught during the two sampling periods with the highest contribution com-ing from Gobiidae, Pomacentridae, Engraulidae and Blen-niidae. Fewer larvae were collected during the full moon compared to the new moon. For both moon phases, highest larval catches were observed at night coinciding with the incoming tide. Larval concentrations decreased towards dawn and no significant changes were observed during the day. Lower flux rates were observed in the bottom compared to the surface. The influx of larval fish and eggs in the area reflects the importance of the reserve as a nursing ground for young stages of fish. Higher abundances observed in the Nabinbinan channel may be attributed to the coral reefs located further north. Densities were expressed as individuals per hour and plotted with tidal cycles to examine the periodicity of the influx of eggs and larval fish.