Online ISSN : 1880-5973
Print ISSN : 0016-7002
ISSN-L : 0016-7002
Anomalies of bottom CH4 and trace metal concentrations associated with high heat flow at the Calyptogena community off Hatsu-shima Island, Sagami Bay, Japan: A preliminary report of Tansei Maru KT-88-1 cruise Leg-1
Toshitaka GamoJun-ichiro IshibashiKiminori ShitashimaMasataka KinoshitaMasaharu WatanabeEiichiro NakayamaYoshiki SohrinEun-Soo KimToshiyuki MasuzawaKantaro Fujioka
Author information

1988 Volume 22 Issue 5 Pages 215-230


Geochemical studies of bottom waters and sediments, including deep sea camera surveys and heat flow measurements, were conducted in the western Sagami Bay, central Japan, where dense clam (Calyptogena soyoae) communities had been previously located by submersible observations. The bottom waters above the communities contained an order of magnitude higher CH4 (360∼4200 nl kg-1) than those at nearby stations a few kilometers away from the community site (∼130 nl kg-1), implying significant fluid venting rich in CH4 from the bottom at the very community site. The mean life of the seepage CH4 in seawater was estimated to be several days by using a simple vertical diffusion model. Weak correlations were observed between the concentrations of CH4 and trace metals such as Fe, Mn, Al, and Zn. It was found that the community site is characterized by anomalously high heat flow up to 1680 mW m-2, suggesting volcanic heat sources below the site.

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