Online ISSN : 1349-9963
Print ISSN : 0016-7630
ISSN-L : 0016-7630
木下 龜城牟田 〓〓
ジャーナル フリー

1950 年 56 巻 660 号 p. 423-432

Minor elements in many minerals from epithermal deposits were determined by the spectroscopic method., Distinct variation of the content of minor elements is recognized, correlated with the kind of ore-bringer as well as the kind of ore deposit., The ore from the epithermal deposits, related to Tertiary igneous activity, contains large quantities of low temperature minor elements such as Pb·As·Hg·Ag·Zn, but usually no high temperature elements., There is a systematic variation in the quantities of minor elements, showing a relationship with stage of crystallization or mode of occurrence of minerals, but no relationship with the kinds of wall rocks., It seems obvious that the distribution of minor elements in the minerals depends upon the kind of ore-bringer as well as the physico-chemical conditions under which the mineral-deposition took place.,
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