Online ISSN : 2435-0451
Print ISSN : 0918-3159
大島 稔野口 泰弥
研究報告書・技術報告書 フリー

2020 年 29 巻 p. 053-074


This text is a brief introduction of the Aleut (Unangan) language, especially in the Attu dialect, which was written by Karl Kaoru Kasukabe (春日部薫 1913-1995), who was an interpreter of the Japanese army while WWII. It includes 157 Aleut words and short sentences. Mr. Kasukabe was born in the U.S. and grew up there until he becomes a teenager. After that, he and his family moved to Japan. So he graduated from high school in Japan. After high school, he studied English and Russain while working at an airplane factory and got licenses of English and Russian interpreter. In June 1942, the Japanese army invaded and occupied the Attu and Kiska islands of the Aleutian Islands. Mr. Kasukabe attended this ‘’ Aleutian campaign’’ as an interpreter. In those days, 42 Aleut people and one white married couple lived on Attu Island. As an interpreter, Mr. Kasukabe researched the Aleut language and culture to teach them Japanese for military service. The original text was handwritten in 1942. It is housed in Hokkaido University Library (Identification No. 497/KAS/別シ). This library has two manuscripts of Mr. Kasukabe. One is this text, the other is mainly about the culture which we published in previous research ( 野 口 ・ 大 島 2019).Ethnographic and linguistic records about Attu Islanders have been very rare. This text is one of the most detailed records in researches by Japanese during WWII. Of course, Mr. Kasukabe was not a professional linguist, so there were some confusions about Aleut language such as a confusion of “k” and “q” sounds. However, these problems don’t reduce the overall value of his work. Hence we modified mistakes and added detailed commentary to the original text.

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