Online ISSN : 1884-0051
Print ISSN : 0019-4344
ISSN-L : 0019-4344
『中観宝灯論』にみられる「bdag gis bkod pa rTog ge 'bar ba」について
宮崎 泉
ジャーナル フリー

2006 年 55 巻 1 号 p. 453-448,1228

Ejima proposes the existence of a so-called Ur-Tarkajvala, different from the existing Tarkajvala, which he considers its revised or enlarged version. One of Ejima's arguments is based on his interpretation of a phrase in the Madhyamakaratnapradipa, “bdag gis bkod pa rTog ge'bar ba,” which he takes to mean “the Tarkajvala that I composed.”
However, Ejima's interpretation of this expression is open to question. The word “bkod pa” seems to be used in the Bodhimargadipa-pañjika of Atisa in the sense of “quoted.” If this applies in the case of the Madhyamakaratnapradipa, we can understand the phrase to mean “the Tarkajvala that I have quoted.” Thus, it may be irrelevant to the problem of the authorship of the Tarkajvala.
Ejima's other arguments are still controversial, as well. This article does not aim to solve the problem of the authorship of the Tarkajvala; it simply suggests the possibility of another understanding of “bkod pa.”
Only a comparative study of the Tarkajvala, the Madhyamakahrdaya, and the Prajñapradipa will clarify the authorship of the Tarkajvala. Then we will able to know the meaning of the word, “bkod pa.”
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