2024 年 144 巻 5 号 p. 465-466
Transdermal drug delivery system is a technique that delivers drugs via transdermal absorption, and we have studied ultrasound-responsive liposome-encapsulated gel patches for this system. The liposomes contained the drug models to prevent the leakage through the gel pores and to provide sustained release. The drug models could also be released by breaking the liposomes by ultrasound irradiation. In this study, we investigate the optimal parameters of gel patches for this model. Nanosized liposomes containing fluorescent compounds as drug models are embedded in agarose gels of different concentrations, and the gel concentration that most efficiently traps the liposomes are selected. Furthermore, we investigate the ultrasound intensity that best promotes drug model release by irradiating ultrasound at different intensities and observing the fluorescent intensity of the buffer solution outside the patch before and after irradiation with a spectrophotometer.
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