2024 年 144 巻 12 号 p. 423-429
This paper describes measurements of progression velocity and electric field intensity at the head of plasma bullet in atmospheric pressure argon plasma jets (APJs) using two-typed probe. The probe used firstly is consisted with a fine stainless-steel wire and a resistor. Observed probe current waveforms contain both of displacement and conduction currents, then our interesting in this paper is focused with the latter current waveform. We observed a rapidly growth of pulse height in the discharge current along the APJs. The increase of pulse height is attributable to isolated charged particles progressing to downstream side in the APJ which may be a plasma bullet. The velocity of the plasma bullet is estimated, and the results are identified by the second probe which is consisted with a ring made of copper with a coil wound several turns. The new probe acts as a current detector to capture the discharge current which penetrate the center of the ring on the basis of the “expanded Ampere's law”. From the results, the velocity of the plasma bullet was measured to be v=1∼3 km/s. This value is proved the results obtained by the wire probe. The electric field intensity at the head of plasma bullet is also measured and we estimated to be 1∼10 kV/cm. The value is acted as a driven source for the plasma bullet, as like as a streamer in the APJ.
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