2024 年 144 巻 3 号 p. 50-55
The compact chlorophyll measurement system was developed to quantify chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b for agriculture applications. The developed system can identify spectral changes in light of wavelength 600 nm with a sensitivity of 0.01 nm or more. The proposed system was evaluated to confirm the chlorophyll content and chlorophyll a/b ratio using the chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b standard reagents of spinach. The system detected chlorophyll content with a sensitivity of 9.37 nA/µM. The sensor current ratio changed linearly to the transmitted light spectrum, which changed with the difference in the absorption wavelengths of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. As chlorophyll a/b increased by 1, a linear result was obtained in which the sensor current ratio decreased by -0.0129. It was demonstrated that chlorophyll can be quantitatively measured using the proposed compact chlorophyll measurement system. In the future, the proposed system is expected to be integrated with IoT technology to improve the productivity and quality of crops at agricultural sites.
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