Industrial Health
Online ISSN : 1880-8026
Print ISSN : 0019-8366
ISSN-L : 0019-8366
Technical Report
Individual Susceptibility to Cadmium Toxicity and Metallothionein Gene Polymorphisms: with References to Current Status of Occupational Cadmium Exposure
Nobuhiko MIURA
Author information

2009 Volume 47 Issue 5 Pages 487-494

The incidence of serious poisoning caused by occupational cadmium exposure has declined over the past four decades due to improvements in the work environment. However, long-term low-level exposure to cadmium needs to be addressed. For workers in industries that handle cadmium, it is necessary to consider the daily cadmium intake from contaminated foods such as cereals and rice in addition to the occupational exposure, since workers might be exposed to higher levels of cadmium from a combination of these sources. Cadmium accumulates in the renal cortex by the long-term exposure along with increased concentrations of metallothionein, an important protein for protection from cadmium toxicity. However, some individuals have lower metallothionein levels despite increased cadmium accumulation in the kidneys. This article describes the strategy method for analyzing individual susceptibility to cadmium toxicity and genetic polymorphisms of metallothionein, with reference to the current status of occupational cadmium exposure.
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© 2009 by National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
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