Internal Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-7235
Print ISSN : 0918-2918
ISSN-L : 0918-2918
Likely Tuberculous Myocarditis Mimicking an Acute Coronary Syndrome
François RoubilleGérald GahideMathieu GranierLuc CornilletHélène Vernhet-KovacsikTom Moore-MorrisJean-Christophe MaciaChristophe Piot
Author information

2008 Volume 47 Issue 19 Pages 1699-1701

Acute systemic infections may involve the heart, mostly represented by myocarditis and pericarditis. We report the case of a likely myopericarditis in an adult, leading to the diagnosis of tuberculosis infection. The clinical presentation was an acute coronary syndrome with elevated troponin Ic. An alternative diagnosis of myopericarditis was considered. Chest X-ray depicted a miliary pattern and a CT-scan demonstrated bilateral micronodules with a "tree-in-bud" pattern associated with parenchymal consolidations in the apical segment of the left upper lobe, suggesting infectious bronchiolitis. As the direct microscopic examination of the bronchial expectoration revealed the presence of Koch's bacterium, a diagnosis of a tuberculous myocarditis was likely. The clinical, electrocardiographic and CT-scan findings are shown; cardiac effects associated with tuberculosis are discussed.
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© 2008 by The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
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