2024 Volume 64 Issue 15 Pages 2087-2097
Phase equilibria studies were undertaken on the FeO–Fe2O3–MgO–SiO2 and FeO–Fe2O3–MgO systems in air using an equilibration and quenching technique. Concentrations of Fe, Mg, Si in the coexisting phases were measured using electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA) with a wavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS) detector. The liquidus temperatures have been determined from 1400°C to 1740°C in primary phase fields of spinel, monoxide, olivine, pyroxene, tridymite, cristobalite and in two-liquids miscibility gap. Tielines between co-existing phases and the compositions of solid solutions have been determined. In the absence of a liquid phase which would facilitate mass transport, the subsolidus phase relations in the Fe2O3–MgO system were not studied directly. The measurements in the low-SiO2 area of pseudo-ternary “Fe2O3”–MgO–SiO2 system were used to derive phase equilibria of the “Fe2O3”–MgO pseudo-binary system with a special focus on the monoxide-spinel phase boundary. The present study is a part of the research program on the characterization of the MgO-containing refractory systems within the multicomponent Pb–Zn–Cu–Fe–Ca–Si–O–S–Al–Mg–Cr–Na–As–Sn–Sb–Bi–Ag–Au–Ni–Co system.