ISIJ International
Online ISSN : 1347-5460
Print ISSN : 0915-1559
ISSN-L : 0915-1559
The Smelting Process of Titanium-Silicon Ferroalloy Using Blast Furnace Titaniferrous Slag
Li ZushuXu Chushao
Author information

1996 Volume 36 Issue 3 Pages 279-283


In this paper the smelting process of titanium-silicon (Ti-Si) ferroalloy using waste blast furnace titaniferrous slag containing higher than 20% TiO2 is introsuced. Firstly the principle of smelting Ti-Si ferroalloy by electrosilicothermic method (ESTM) and the effects of DC on the reduction of TiO2 in molten slag are studied. Ti-Si ferroalloy containing about 20% Ti can be produced by ESTM, and Ti recovery is less than 60%. And then, electrosilicoaluminothermic method (ESATM) is introduced. Ti-Si ferroalloy containing higher than 30% Ti and less than 35% Si can be produced by ESATM, and Ti recovery is higher than 80%. Studies on application of products (Ti-Si ferroalloy and residue slag) of the smelting process have been carried out, and the results show that the electrothermic smelting process can make the waste blast furnace titaniferrous slag be used perfectly.

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