ISIJ International
Online ISSN : 1347-5460
Print ISSN : 0915-1559
ISSN-L : 0915-1559
Mechanism of Surface Quality Improvement in Continuous Cast Slab with Rectangular Cold Crucible Mold
Young-Whan ChoYoung-Joo OhSoon-Hyo ChungJae-Dong Shim
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1998 Volume 38 Issue 7 Pages 723-729

The control of the initial stage of solidification for continuous casting of steel is extremely important in producing high surface quality products. The surface quality is strongly influenced by the oscillation mark on the solidifying shell, which could be improved by applying alternating electromagnetic field in the mold. A 50×200 mm rectangular cold crucible mold has been designed by numerical simulation and used for measuring the meniscus contour and local heating of molten metals using tin and lead. It has also been used in continuous casting experiment with Sn and Sn–10%Pb alloy to study the effects of frequency, input power, melt level in the mold, casting speed, mold cooling water flow rate, and mold oscillation frequency on the oscillation mark. The maximum melt temperature was observed near the triple point where the mold wall, melt free surface and the atmosphere meet all together. It has also been found that the local Joule heating density has strong influence on the oscillation mark formation.
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