ISIJ International
Online ISSN : 1347-5460
Print ISSN : 0915-1559
ISSN-L : 0915-1559
Collision and Coalescence of Alumina Particles in the Vertical Bending Continuous Caster
Hong LeiLianze WangZiniu WuJunfei Fan
Author information

2002 Volume 42 Issue 7 Pages 717-725


The three-dimensional fluid flow in a vertical bending continuous caster was numerically studied. Three dimensionless collision numbers were introduced to analyze the inclusion collision mechanism. The analysis showed that turbulent collisions were the major factor causing inclusions to collide with each other in the continuous caster. Stokes collisions had a minor effect and Brownian collisions were negligible. A mathematical model was then developed to study the inclusion collisions in the continuous caster. The mathematical model considered the inclusion mass transfer and expressed the radius and population of new inclusions after coalescence relative to the mass and population conservation. Since the motion of clustershaped inclusions differs from that of spherical inclusions, the inclusion physical parameters were modified.The results showed that the inclusions congregated approximately one fourth of the face width from the slab edge so that the characteristic radius distribution of the inclusions had a ‘W’ shape, while the inclusion concentration and number density had an inverse ‘W’ shape in the longitudinal direction. More inclusions were trapped near the inner arc and they had larger characteristic radii than those near the outer arc. The concentration and inclusion number density decreased with the distance from the free surface, but the inclusion radius increased.

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