2020 年 27 巻 p. 137-153
The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework for formulating the stakeholder management model (SMM) in socially responsible businesses (SRB). The main focus will be on the problem derivation for formulating SMM as a framework for promoting the SRB and facilitating pro-social oriented organizational learning. Taking dynamic capabilities (DC) as a guide and referring its ability to sense, the paper will reconsider “the stakeholder view of the corporation”. The purpose of DC is to clarify the ability to construct and reorganize the resource base, which is composed of the relationship with various stakeholders, and to formulate its method of the development. This contributes to the identification of the ability to form and reorganize relationships between companies and a great variety of stakeholders. It takes the concept of enactment as the basis for the ability to recognize special relationships with its stakeholders.