2009 年 51 巻 2 号 p. 153-161
The present paper is a brief review of our recent works on the crystal structures, structural disorders and ion-diffusion paths of various ionic and mixed conductors. Diffusion paths along the <100> directions are observed in the fluorite-type ionic conductors such as δ-Bi1.4Yb0.6O3, Ce0.93Y0.07O1.96, Y0.785Ta0.215O1.715 and α-CuI. In the prerovskite-type and double-prerovskite-type conductors, the mobile oxide ions move along the <100> directions near the stable positions and along <110> around the midway of diffusion pathway. The cubic prerovskite-type and double-prerovskite-type conductors exhibit three- and two-dimensional networks of diffusion pathways, respectively. K2NiF4-type conductor has a two-dimensional network of diffusion pathway through interstitial oxide ions. The oxide ions in apatite-type conductors diffuse along the hexagonal c-axis. The diffusion paths of two lithium-ion conductors are also presented.