Online ISSN : 1883-9282
Print ISSN : 0386-9490
ISSN-L : 0386-9490
遠藤 智夫堀 孝彦
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 1999 巻 31 号 p. 55-84


The authors have continued studying the fifteen copies still in existence out of the rare two hundred dictionaries '英和對譯袖珍辭書' published in 1862.
The various markings, including the owners' signatures and signature stamps, inscriptions and numerous notes found in the fifteen copies, tell the authors that there have been many varieties of cultual background history associated with the Dictionary for the past 136 years.
Our current research into all various kinds of sources revealed the eminent persons who obtained the dictionaries in spite of the exorbitant prices, accounts of the difficulties experienced by the bibliophiles in acquiring the rare books in the Showa era, and further the remarkable role that one second-hand bookstore played in the search for the Dictionary, aiding in the preservation of the remaining copies.
Although the first edition of the Dictionary only has been used in this research, yet the authors are able to recognize the cultual history of Modern Japanese society, owing to the rich and useful information provided by all sorts of markings and notes seen in the fifteen copies of the Dictionary.
This treatise is the third part based on the papers read by us at the regular monthly meetings in May 3, 1997 and January 10, 1998.

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