Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society
Online ISSN : 2185-5374
Print ISSN : 1342-0429
ISSN-L : 1342-0429
Research Articles
Effects of Silicon and Chromium on High Temperature Oxidation Characteristics of Austenitic Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron
Takumi HareyamaToru YamadaHiroshi Maki
Author information

2007 Volume 79 Issue 4 Pages 179-183


  In this study, the effects of various amounts of silicon (Si) and chromium (Cr) addition on high temperature oxidation characteristics and mechanical properties of austenitic spheroidal graphite cast iron containing 30mass% nickel (Ni) and 1.0mass% molybdenum (Mo) were investigated. As a result, metal oxidation at 1073K in mixed gas of oxygen and argon decreased with increasing amounts of Si and Cr addition. As for tensile properties at 1073K, tensile strength and proof stress increased with increasing amounts of Cr addition. In particular, high ductility was obtained with 4mass% Cr addition.

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© 2007 Japan Foundry Engineering Society
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