Online ISSN : 1884-0884
Print ISSN : 0022-135X
ISSN-L : 0022-135X
小林 貞一
ジャーナル フリー

1986 年 95 巻 3 号 p. 186-198


In Japan biostratigraphic studies were began with R. PUMPELLY's route survey in South Hokkaido in 1862 and A. M. EDWARDS' identification of diatoms collected therefrom in 1866. B. S. LYMAN's A general Report of the Geology of Yesso was printed in 1877. About 10 centuries before this, however, elephant bones were already used in Japan for medicine. In 1870 geology was first taught in South College of Kaisei. The geological institute, University of Tokio was founded in 1877, followed by the Geological Survey of Japan in 1882. The geology of the Japanese islands was outlined by E. NAUMANN in 1885 and the geological sequence figured out in 1890 in Die japanische Inseln by T. HARADA. Since the discovery of the recumbent fold of the Akiyoshi limestone in Province Nagato by Y. OZAWA, 1923, geological studies improved rapidly with the result that the growth of the islands by Mesozoic orogenies was schematized in 1941. Considerable advancements were made since then in various ways.
C. GOTTSCHE was first to publish Geologische Skizze von Korea in 1886 and her orographic Sketch by KOTO 1904 was the second contribution. The geological survey of Korea was founded in 1922 and her geological sequence schematized by KAWASAKI in 1926. The complicate geological structure of the Phyeongyang coal-filed, North Korea was clarified by NAKAMURA and his students and the geology of the Ogcheon folded zone in South Korea by KOBAYASHI and his students. The Triassic Songrim and late Jurassic Daebo orogenies are responsible for the intricate deformation of these areas. In the Cretaceous period there was the Tsushima basin between South Korea and West Japan where the thick pygoclastic non-marine sediments were accumulated. Latir the peninsular outline was figured out by the repeated upheavals with the elevating axis near the Sea of Japan.

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