Journal of Home Economics of Japan
Online ISSN : 1884-7870
Print ISSN : 0449-9069
ISSN-L : 0449-9069
An Approach to Examine Physical Properties of Foodstuffs in Relation to Mastication on Feeding
The Determination of Clearance in the Measurement
Author information

1986 Volume 37 Issue 12 Pages 1021-1027


The purpose of this study is to clarify the physical properties of foodstuffs that are equivalent to the firmness we feel during the mastication. For examination of the physical properties, we took various clearance setting in measurement of foods by the texturometer. The main results from this examination are as follows :
1) It is suggested from the sensory test that we need to decide a clearance for each food iii order to make comparison among different kinds of food.
2) We determined a clearance in the measurement of the crushed foods by examining the appearance of the second peak in the first chew of the profile.
3) In the case of non-crushed foods, we determined a clearance in the measurement by examining changing point in the cohesiveness.
4) In the case of adhesive foods, the acute angle shape of negative peak beneath the baseline in the adhesiveness served as the criterion of clearance.

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