Print ISSN : 0013-273X
裁判化学における薬毒物の系統的分析法に関する研究(第2報)Retention Indexによる同定のためのキャピラリーカラムガスクロマトグラフィーの利用
大山 信行佐野 敏幸庄山 正敏前田 憲志
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 33 巻 5 号 p. 342-348


The simultaneous determination of 110 compounds including pesticides, hypnotics, local anesthetics, psychotropics, narcotics, etc., was examined by means of retention index on gas chromatography (GC). Temperature programmed GC using fused- silica capillary column CBP-1 (0.53 mm i. d.×12 m) was very effective in this study as compared with CBP-10 (0.33 mm i. d.×25 m) and some packed columns. All of the compounds except benzoximate, cloxazolam and oxazepam could be detected as good symmetrical peaks less than 100 minutes under the conditions of 120-250°C/(6°C/min) as oven temperature, 270°C as injection temperature, 0.2 kg/cm2 as carrier gas (N2) pressure (velocity, 90.9 cm/s) on CBP-1. A search window of these retention indices could be estimated about 20, then the discriminating powers of a combination of this data and TLC screening system mentioned earlier (Ref. 1), were 0.995, 1.00, 1.00, 0.996 and 1.00 in I, II, II', III and IV division, respectively.

© 社団法人 日本薬学会
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