Japanese Journal of Cultural Anthropology
Online ISSN : 2424-0516
Print ISSN : 1349-0648
ISSN-L : 1349-0648
Special Theme: Food as an Intersection of Culture and Body: From the Earth to Tongue
Ethnic Tourism and Ethnic Cuisine
A Case Study of Central Inner Mongolia, China
Takahiro Ozaki
Author information

2020 Volume 85 Issue 3 Pages 505-523


This article investigates the characteristics of dietary culture under conditions of transcultural communication, in the context of a case study of ethnic tourism at sightseeing places (lüyoudian), using the author's data on menus actually used in central Inner Mongolia, China. Ethnic tourism centered on food is provided at sightseeing places in Inner Mongolia. Although the tastes of Han Chinese visitors are reflected in the structure of the menus, it should not be concluded that only the sense of tourism and the gaze of Han Chinese affect these menus. The sense of ease with the menus provided in Inner Mongolian sightseeing places that is felt by tourists is not derived from their direct experience there. It is instead constructed through the experience of Mongolian restaurants in cities and their customers, shaped most by Mongolians who lives in cities, giving another locus of transcultural communication.

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2020 Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
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