2024 年 15 巻 p. 17-26
Watanabe N, Kamakura Y, Fukada J. Esophageal speech training system and needs for esophageal speech training in a laryngectomy patient association in Japan. Jpn J Compr Rehabil Sci 2024; 15: 17-26.
Objectives: To study the esophageal speech training system and needs for esophageal speech training in one laryngectomy patient association in Japan.
Methods: The esophageal speech training system of Association X for laryngectomy patients was observed through participation. Needs for esophageal speech training were analyzed qualitatively and inductively by semi-structured interviews with 7 esophageal speech (ES) trainers, 11 ES learners, and 8 family members of the association conducted according to an interview guide.
Results: Association X was organized, and its teaching system was established, by the Japan Federation of Laryngectomy Patient Associations (Nikkoren), and 12 ES trainers were appointed for esophageal speech and electrolarynx speech training. The training was based on the “Speech Practice Manual” published by the association, but the teaching methods and training contents and methods were left to the discretion of the individual ES trainers. The survey by Association X showed that there were needs for “Improvement of the methods and contents of esophageal speech training” and “Organizational reform of the association.” The former category included “Improvements for evidence-based training that ensures vocalization” and “Improving training methods and assigning roles for advanced ES learners”; the latter category included “Development of a system for trainers to continue receiving training from better qualified trainers” and “Reforming the association to allow learners and families to voice their opinions about training.” Each category consisted of three subcategories.
Conclusions: In Association X, substitute vocalizations were taught by 12 ES trainers. “Improvement of the methods and contents of esophageal speech training” and “Organizational reform of the association” were expressed as needs for Association X concerning esophageal speech training.