2017 Volume 58 Issue 3 Pages 205-215
Previous studies have indicated that stuttering influences the work life of adults who stutter (AWS), and reasonable accommodations for AWS in the workplace are needed. However, few studies have examined specific, reasonable accommodations for AWS. We conducted a questionnaire on the work life and reasonable accommodations of 182 AWS. Results showed that stuttering heavily influenced their work life, with AWS having trouble talking on the telephone, conversing with a large number of people, giving presentations, and participating in morning meetings. Necessary reasonable accommodations included "to be acquainted with stuttering," "to accept AWS," "to comprehend trigger situations and words that may cause stuttering," and "to consider their stuttering when evaluating AWS." Younger AWS had more difficulties in work life, and needed more accommodations, than older AWS. This study addressed the actual work life of AWS and highlighted necessary, reasonable accommodations.