2001 年 6 巻 3 号 p. 55-62
The effects of moderate exercise between performing tasks on a word processor on task efficiency were investigated. The exercise was performed using a bicycle ergometer and the duration of exercise was 10 minutes. Two load strengths were used for moderate exercise : One was the strength at which a subject felt the most comfortable and the other was the estimated lactate threshold (LT) strength. Mean of comfortable strength was 50.0±20.8W and that of LT strength was 82.9±12.5W. The task performed on the word processor was to input a Japanese sentence for 10 minutes. The time to complete one sentence shown on the display was defined as "the completion time". "The completion time" was divided into "the input time", the time required to input words, and "the selection", the time required to select the correct kanji from the list. Moderate exercise had a good effect on the completion time, the completion time for both exercise conditions decreased compared to no exercise. On analysis we found that the completion time decreased because input time decreased.