論文ID: 93.20062
The number of people changing jobs either once or multiple times has been increasing recently. Based on previous reality shock (RS) research, this study hypothesized that RS during a job-change would reduce work engagement (WE) and increase turnover intentions. This study also focused on self-concept clarity (SCC) which has been suggested to have a reducing and moderating effect on negative responses to stressful events. Four hundred and twelve job changers were asked to answer a web-based survey measuring the RS, WE, turnover intentions, and SCC from the three aspects of Extremity, Certainty, and Temporal Stability. The results showed that RS during a job-change reduced WE and increased turnover intentions. Analysis focusing on the effect of SCC indicated that WE was increased by high Extremity and Certainty, and turnover intentions were decreased by high Certainty as well as Temporal Stability. Moderated mediation analysis showed that although high Temporal Stability moderated the negative effect of RS, RS increased turnover intentions by reducing WE in those who have high Certainty.