Online ISSN : 1881-4883
Print ISSN : 0369-4305
ISSN-L : 0369-4305
前谷津 文雄阿部 喜弘菱沼 誠引地 健生丹治 一清野 真也安達 廣司郎武蔵 安徳土橋 俊男町田 好男山口 さち子中井 敏晴
ジャーナル フリー

2014 年 70 巻 3 号 p. 235-241


A questionnaire comprising 14 items, inquiring about the state of damage, whether safety could be ensured, and progress of repair and restoration was distributed to 984 facilities in seven prefectures on the Pacific coast as part of a fact-finding survey of damage caused to magnetic resonance (MR) devices by the Great East Japan Earthquake. In all, 458 responses (46.6%) were collected. In Miyagi Prefecture alone, 65 responses from 105 questionnaires were collected (response rate: 61.9%). The overall incidence of damage was 19.2%, with 57 facilities (12.4%) reporting that displacement of the magnets was the most common problem. The damage event rate in Miyagi Prefecture was 51.3%, with displacement of the magnet being highest at 17 cases (26.2%). There was a high rate of 13 cases (26.5%) of chiller and air conditioning failures and a rapid loss of He in ten MR scanners (20.4%). Notably, 87.8% of facilities in Miyagi Prefecture (24.5% of the total) were affected by earthquakes exceeding 6 on the Japanese Seismic Intensity Scale. Flood damage caused by the tsunami was also seen along the Sanriku coast to Sendai City (six MR scanners, 50% of the total), and was typical of the damage seen in Miyagi Prefecture.

© 2014 公益社団法人 日本放射線技術学会
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