Online ISSN : 1882-661X
Print ISSN : 0285-9955
ISSN-L : 0285-9955
Neurometry と冷え症の症例検討
森川 和宥豊田 住江河内 明北出 利勝平井 清子兵頭 正義川本 正純田中 衛
キーワード: 冷え症
ジャーナル フリー

1987 年 37 巻 4 号 p. 291-299

It is presumed that oversensitivity to cold is derived from the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system. As a result of the cold condition, the patient may complain of various other problems as well. According to oriental medicine, the main origin of oversensitivity to cold is the invasion of cold, an external evil. In neurometry, this symptom is depicted by low measurement values. Before each treatment session we performed neurometry to assess the patient's condition. Then we performed general Ryodoraku regulation therapy, using a 60mm length, 0.24mm diameter needle as a 200μA (12V) negative electrode for 7 seconds. withI the objective of tonifying and warming the body. In addition, we performed half-rice grain size moxibustion 7 flashing moxas on the special effective extraordinary meridian points. Hanfeng, Lisanli, and main meridian points Fengmen, Zhishi. Neurometry revealed that oversensitivity to cold is related to values of the F, Ryodoraku which are lower than the normal physiological range. The treatment indicated by neurometry proved to be successful in increasing the F, Ryodoraku values.
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