Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
Online ISSN : 1884-5258
ISSN-L : 1884-0833
Application Possibility from Traditional Hand-cutting to Laser Cutting Technique for Producing Dyeing Paper Stencils
Mikako OKITAToshiaki TAKESUE
Author information

2012 Volume 11 Issue 2 Pages 175-182

Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment. Several types of dyeing artifices have evolved through the process of printing traditional patterns on cloth in Japan. Paper stencils can be considered merely tools used at an intermediary stage of the dyeing process. And yet another problem is that most stencil cutting craftsmen are getting older, and thus the traditional art of paper stencil cutting may be lost under present circumstances.In this study, we explored the possibility of replacing paper stencils produced by traditional techniques with those produced by a laser cutter. And we compared actually dyed textiles by using existing and new techniques, in an attempt to achieve a quality of paper stencils produced by a different method that is closer to the superb quality of traditional artifices. As a result, we were able to suggest the guidelines on materials and patterns suitable for producing the stencils with a laser cutter.
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© 2012 Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
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