Online ISSN : 1884-5258
ISSN-L : 1884-0833
三苫 美和東 ますみ石垣 恭子福島 美幸谷水 正人西村 治彦
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 20 巻 2 号 p. 141-151


In this study, the overall consultation records accumulated in Hospital A’s Cancer Counseling and Support Center, were analyzed to capture the changes and trends of the contents of consultations. For the 10-year consultation record at this center, the number of consultations and time taken for each item of the consultation content were evaluated. Text mining was also performed alongside analyzing the word frequency and co-occurrence relationship between words. As a result, we found that it was possible to grasp the changes in the quality of consultation content and changes in the number of cases efficiently. In specific, through text mining of the records on “social life” and “anxiety/mental distress,” we could confirm the trend of consultations regarding employment support and the side effects of drug therapy for cancer patients. Finally, the accumulation of practical knowledge would lead to knowledge sharing, alongside an improvement in the knowledge and skills of counselors.

© 2021 日本感性工学会
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