The purpose of this study is to investigate the factor that enhances hair rinsing ability of water saving showerhead, except water amount. In this paper, we investigated the relationship between the showering period to rinse hair and psychological evaluation of hair rinsing perception. In addition, we found out the structure of psychological evaluation of hair rinsing perception. We conducted shower tests with 6 showerheads and assessed the perceptions and total assessment of hair rinsing ability of each showerhead. The results suggested that the showering period to rinse hair and psychological evaluation of hair rinsing perception are independent indicators of hair rinsing ability. Furthermore, it reveals that psychological evaluation of hair rinsing perception is express two factors, “Penetration feelings of shower droplets” and “Feeling of density of water streams” by factor analysis. From the results of this study, we found that we need to design water saving showerhead to enhance psychological evaluation of hair rinsing perception aside from the showering period of hair rinsing.