Online ISSN : 1884-5258
ISSN-L : 1884-0833
杉本 香七長沢 伸也
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 8 巻 3 号 p. 893-898


This study offers recommendations for the corporate management of most Japanese manufacturing companies. While it is true that no company can avoid relying on unstable business resources, such as its company “brand,” consistent efforts over an extensive period are required to develop a powerful brand with long term prospects. However, any well-established brand can easily lose its positive image. Companies must respond appropriately to rapid changes in the market, including consumption patterns, consumer trends, and technological developments. This study focuses on a top luxury brand, Chanel, as a model company for both its sustained efforts and appropriate responses to market changes. The findings show that Chanel's approach of achieving its targets through the application of basic business resources, such as though its corporate philosophy, human resources, organization, and the succession of technology and skills, has enabled it to maintain its position as a top luxury brand since the company was established. The conclusions of this study have implications for the management of traditional Japanese manufacturing companies.

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