Online ISSN : 2188-2126
Print ISSN : 2187-9737
ISSN-L : 2187-9737
Original Articles
Changes in Blood Glucose and Lipid Metabolic Parameters After High-Carbohydrate Diet Ingestion in Athletes with Insulin Resistance
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 62 巻 4 号 p. 323-329


Objective: We aimed to elucidate changes in blood glucose and lipid metabolic parameters after high-carbohydrate diet ingestion in athletes with insulin resistance.

Methods: Ten throwers belonging to the university track and field club participated in this study. They underwent oral glucose tolerance test and high-carbohydrate test on 2 separate days with a 1-week interval. Serum insulin, lipid indices, and blood glucose levels were determined in both tests.

Result: According to the homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) score, three participants with HOMA-IR ≥2.5 were assigned to the high-HOMA-IR group and the remaining seven to the low-HOMA-IR group. The high-HOMA-IR group showed higher insulin and triglyceride levels after consuming the high-carbohydrate diet. Significant correlations were found between insulin and triglyceride levels and between HOMA-IR score and triglyceride levels after 180 min of a high-carbohydrate diet ingestion (r=0.80, and r=0.70, respectively).

Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that a high-carbohydrate diet results in high insulin levels in athletes with insulin resistance, which could lead to a state of high triglyceride levels.

© 2016 The Juntendo Medical Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original source is properly credited.
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