2024 Volume 70 Issue 2 Pages 150-157
Although the energy stored in lean tissue (LT) and adipose tissue (AT) is well known, the energy required to synthesize these tissues is less clear. While elucidating the energy required for AT synthesis may not be so important, the elucidation of the energy required for LT synthesis is important for individuals who aim to increase their skeletal muscle. Theoretically the energy at the point at which ΔLT/Δbody weight (BW) reaches 100% on a regression curve, which indicates the relationship between ΔLT/ΔBW and the energy used to accumulate body tissue, is considered to be the energy expended to synthesize LT. We therefore investigated the relationship using rats. Rats of different ages, and rats in exercised or sedentary states were used because their ΔLT/ΔBW was expected to be different. ΔLT/ΔBW was higher in the 4-wk-old group than in the 8-wk-old group and higher in the exercise group than in the sedentary group. We found a positive correlation between ΔLT/ΔBW and the energy expended to synthesize tissues that accumulated in the body. This energy was lower in the 8-wk-old group, which had a lower ΔLT/ΔBW in comparison to the 4-wk-old group, but was not affected by exercise. The regression curve revealed that the energy expended to synthesize LT was 2.9 kcal/g, while that expended to synthesize AT was 1.1 kcal/g. Therefore, combined with the energy accumulated to the tissues, the energy required to accumulate LT is approximately 4.0 kcal/g, while that required to accumulate AT is approximately 8.5 kcal/g.