Journal of MMIJ
Online ISSN : 1884-0450
Print ISSN : 1881-6118
ISSN-L : 1881-6118
Special Edition for Coal Energy Technology; Development and Utilization of Coal Energy
Development of Underground Coal Mine from Toe of Open-cut Highwalls in Indonesia
Author information

2015 Volume 131 Issue 5 Pages 195-202

The surface mining method is generally considered to be more advantageous than the underground mining method, especially in recovery, grade control, production capacity, economics, flexibility, safety and working environments. Therefore, the surface mining method is common in major coal producing countries. Most of coal is produced from open-cut mines in Indonesia. However, the conditions of their surface mines are worsening each year: The stripping ratio is approaching to the value of break even stripping ratio, the regulations of environmental protection become to be tighten, and the infrastructure for transportation of coal from inland mining areas is insufficient for such intense mining operations. To meet the demand for coal in Indonesia and the rest of the world, underground mines have to be developed in the near future. Under these circumstances, the development of underground coal mines from the toe of open-cut highwalls is being planned in several mines in Indonesia. However, if the conventional mining systems and designs introduced in US, Australia and European countries are applied, several geotechnical issues can be expected to arise due to weak geological conditions in the mines. This paper describes the conditions and geotechnical issues for underground coal mines developed from the toe of open cut highwalls in Indonesia and addresses problems associated with the weaker rock strata. From the results of on-site investigation and numerical analyses, the mechanisms of the roof fall have been clarified. It was concluded that the current roof support system is not sufficient to maintain the stability of the roadways. In order to develop an appropriate roof support design and code of practice for this mine, further data such as that for geological conditions, mechanical properties of roof rock, the behavior of rock around the roadways, etc. have to be collected and studied. Additionally, as underground water flow is a major problem in this mine, drainage systems should be introduced immediately.
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© 2015 The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
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