1971 年 84 巻 996 号 p. 363-375
In Cucumis sativus, a number of small prolamellar bodies were formed in the plastid, when the latter, containing grana lamellae, was transferred to the dark. These prolamellar bodies showed more rapid response to the change in light and temperature as regards their appearance and disappearance than in the case of fully etiolated plastids. At the higher temperature (26°), a lower intensity of light induced the formation of prolamellar bodies at an earlier stage of plastid development. At lower temperature (12°), however, no prolamellar body was formed throughout the entire course of plastid development, and the prolamellar bodies which had been formed in the dark rapidly disappeared at an early period after the seedlings were transferred from the dark to the light (400lux). Furthermore, the investigation on the effect of different wavelengths of light upon lamellar formation was made. From these results, it seems that the prolamellar bodies appear in the case where the rate of vesicle formation exceeds the rate of conversion of vesicles into the lamellar system.